Saturday, April 19, 2008

Play House Loft Bed

Kyanne and Bridge are now sharing a room. I was worried about them ever getting any sleep, so I built a loft bed. Ky sleeps on top and Bridge sleeps underneath. The hope was that if they couldn't see each other, they would be more likely to sleep than play, so much for that idea. But here's the bed anyhow. These pictures are uploading with really bad coloring, the colors are actually hot pink and a deep teal. The slide is so steep it launches the kids into the closet so, that the idea behind the ball pit landing. I still have a few things left to do like, make curtains for the play house underneath the bed. I'll post a the finished product, when I get there.


whitney said...

So cute! I can't wait to see it in person. I have also been waiting and waiting to see the ribbons on the chandelier!

Cupcake Mama said...

so many great ideas!!!

babybeansprout said...

I noticed the ribbons on the chandelier and thought you might like to see another "mom" creation. We hand make these ribbon mobiles and other baby accessories. Love to see what other moms create with their kids in mind! Very cute!